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  1. TSnider

    Coffee Set Ups

    Pretty much exclusively on cold brew at this point. Rumble Jar is what I use in the fridge, waiting on the RumbleGo Kickstarter to finish up so I dont have to carry a glass jar anymore. I make it in a semi concentrated form so a 32 ounce jar gets me about 40 ounces.10 ounces, a little honey, put...
  2. TSnider

    Calling all FJ Cruisers!

    Fj driver for 10 years
  3. TSnider

    Any Hunters Among Us?

    And a deer I shot with a camera and not an arrow outside of hunting season, for those that think hunters are just murderous monsters who want to do nothing but kill things.
  4. TSnider

    Any Hunters Among Us?

    Sorry dude but you have 0 understanding of why there are still animals left or conservation in general. It’s ****ed up but the reason animals aren’t extinct in this country is because hunters pay for the management of the populations.I’ve been hunting 5 years, have put tons of time and money...
  5. TSnider

    What is the last thing you bought and plan to buy?

    durobumps and kings with adjustable remotes ordered to replace the repeatleaking ICONs. after christmas I intend to go for the alucab tent and awning.
  6. TSnider

    Night Shots of Camp

    September archery camp