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  1. Bearded HoneyBadger

    Jordan River Diversion Dam 23 June 18

    Went on an unplanned Overland on Sat night. Was a beautiful spot to relax and spend the night.
  2. Bearded HoneyBadger

    Jordan River Diversion Dam, jordan River BC

    An unplanned overnight at Jordan River Diversion Dam Sat morning I headed out for an overnight at the Jordan River Reservoir and ended up at the Upper Diversion Dam... It was a happy exploration day to say the least. I found a nice spot at the end of a logging road that sat right on the edge of...
  3. Bearded HoneyBadger

    Just got back from an unplanned overnight up at the Jordan River Reservoir, great spot by the...

    Just got back from an unplanned overnight up at the Jordan River Reservoir, great spot by the Diversion dam... Wish I knew how to post pics!