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  1. DuvalRover

    Land Rover Registry

    An old lady in a Cadillac decide to clip my rear end and spin me into a curb which then flipped me onto my lid.
  2. DuvalRover

    Land Rover Registry

    Down to one for a few years now. Drove a 2001 P38 for 8 years as my DD until it met its demise. Have had my 1988 Classic for over 12 years now and can't wait till I can add another member. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  3. DuvalRover

    If you had to start over, what different rig would you start with?

    My buddy just had this arrive in port and drove it home. He is about to make it into his new overland rig. Will be a fun build to help with! Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  4. DuvalRover


    Not many other places I'd rather be than gently swaying in my hammock on a nice night in camp somewhere... ENO Hammock with bug net, and ProFly XL Rain fly. Can't be beat in my humble opinion. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  5. DuvalRover


    Also New to the forum, in the Jacksonville area Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  6. DuvalRover

    All the gear no idea.

    Well most things worth doing, are worth doing correctly... Would be something else fun to have. Just my 2 cents, but I don't have to float the note. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  7. DuvalRover

    Colorado trip

    Mesa Verde National Park, in the southwest corner. Awesome stuff in there. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  8. DuvalRover

    All the gear no idea.

    Absolutely!! Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  9. DuvalRover

    Camp stoves

    Birthday cake on the trail. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  10. DuvalRover

    Camp Photos!

    Love sleeping in my Hammock!
  11. DuvalRover


    Hey like minded folks! My name is Austin and I live in North-East Florida. My rig is a 1988 Range Rover Classic that I have owned for 12 years. Transformed from a trailered mud truck to A Rover that Just drove 7,000 miles in 32 days from Florida to California and many places in between to do the...
  12. DuvalRover

    Nature Photos