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  1. D

    Budget Weekender Rig

    That is pretty awesome.
  2. D

    Can we now just go back to just calling it “car camping”?

    Whatever, as long as people are getting outside.
  3. D

    Interesting conversation with Forest Service Ranger

    Huh. Sounds like a bunch of free stuff out there for the taking.
  4. D

    People suck

    I always leave with more trash than I bring in. And I've got one of these on my car and all my laptops, just to remind people.
  5. D

    Any minimalists?

    Which engine is in that one?
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  7. D

    Let's see those vans!

    That's a rad van.
  8. D

    Let's see those vans!

    Van overlanders, post up your pictures. I'm looking for van project inspiration.
  9. D

    Something Weird in the Forest

    Sounds about right.
  10. D

    Something Weird in the Forest

    "This jerk just drove right by me, turned around and left! What's wrong with people these days?!"
  11. D

    Tucson to overland expo MW

    There's lot of off grid camping just west of Colorado Springs on Rampart Range Road in Woodland Park.
  12. D

    Something Weird in the Forest

    Listen to your gut. You made the right choice. If he needed help, the Rangers surely helped him when they found him.