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  1. tbuck12

    US West Valley of the Moon

    Is it going to be posted in the rally points?
  2. tbuck12

    US West San Diego Overland Bound Trail Runs

    I should be able to....I will keep u posted as we get closer to the date
  3. tbuck12

    US West San Diego Overland Bound Trail Runs

    I will be heading out Friday morning...hope we can meet up
  4. tbuck12

    US West Valley of the Moon

    It was good to hang out with you guys again...well worth the drive from San Diego Sent from my moto g(6) using OB Talk mobile app
  5. tbuck12

    US West Valley of the Moon

    Hey guys, is the Monache Meadows trip details going to be posted in the Rally Point
  6. tbuck12

    City Creek trail - 06/09/2018

    Too funny Cliff....I thought that was you... Sent from my KIW-L24 using OB Talk mobile app
  7. tbuck12

    US West Valley of the Moon

    Cliff that date sounds good!
  8. tbuck12

    City Creek trail - 06/09/2018

    Dylan...I meant Dylan....excuse my old age and poor typing skills
  9. tbuck12

    City Creek trail - 06/09/2018

    Hey Brandon I am going to put this on my calendar, but I might have another trip that might conflict ....
  10. tbuck12

    US West Valley of the Moon

    Cliff, has a date been set yet? I would like to go...
  11. tbuck12

    US West Valley of the Moon

    I hope its not the the weekend of June 9.....
  12. tbuck12

    Green valley lake to Big Bear lake - 02/10/2018

    Here some pics... Sent from my KIW-L24 using OB Talk mobile app
  13. tbuck12

    Green valley lake to Big Bear lake - 02/10/2018

    Hey Cliff... Anthony says to say thank you..means a lot to him... Sent from my KIW-L24 using OB Talk mobile app
  14. tbuck12

    Green valley lake to Big Bear lake - 02/10/2018

    Hey guys something for you to watch ... Sent from my KIW-L24 using OB Talk mobile app
  15. tbuck12

    Green valley lake to Big Bear lake - 02/10/2018

    We just want to give a big thanks to BRADSHAW13 for setting up this run through Big Bear. It was great meeting coming soon!!!
  16. tbuck12

    San Diego

    I would like to go ....going try and make it
  17. tbuck12

    Green valley lake to Big Bear lake - 02/10/2018

    Other than the was the trip? I will be coming up from San Diego...all goes well I will see u ip there Sent from my KIW-L24 using OB Talk mobile app
  18. tbuck12

    California 4x4 repair shops for back door

    There is 4 wheel parts in Chula Vista ...maybe a place to start.....1427 Broadway Chula Vista 619-425-4337 Sent from my KIW-L24 using OB Talk mobile app
  19. tbuck12

    San Diego

    ...well I don't know about beer drinking...but enoyed some San Diego back trails.... Sent from my KIW-L24 using OB Talk mobile app