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  1. whitneysc

    Jack my stuff up. Need jack help/ suggestions.

    Lift Mate is the Hi-Lift version.... I'm actually interested in the one pictured above. Sent from my iPad using OB Talk
  2. whitneysc

    Jack my stuff up. Need jack help/ suggestions.

    What is the tire lift accessory called and where can I find one? I have a 60" Extreme on the tail of my Land Cruiser. I have the Hi-Lift Bumper Lift, but like this better than the Hi-Lift option Sent from my iPad using OB Talk
  3. whitneysc

    US East Northern VA / MD Monthly Meetups

    Sorry I missed the meetup. really looking forward to this. We could combine with Geocaching and make this lots of fun. I work in McLean, live in Gainesville and usually wheel (or ride) east of 81 toward Warrenton, Flint Hill and Front Royal.
  4. whitneysc

    Eastern VA Monthly Meetups

    I work in McLean and live in Gainesville... trying to connect with the NoVA group.
  5. whitneysc

    Can you add me to the NoVA group?? I'm in gainesville, but for some reason I plot much farther...

    Can you add me to the NoVA group?? I'm in gainesville, but for some reason I plot much farther south west and the guys from Roanoke /Blacksburg are pinging me for meetups
  6. whitneysc

    Western Virginia Monthly Meetup (old thread)

    Interested... I work in McLean, live in Gainesville and travel HWY 81 to VT regularly to visit our Hokie.