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  1. Rick Louie

    Cancelled 2nd Annual Buena Vista June Jam (Colorado Front Range)

    Just 3 quick images from the Event. Great meeting everyone! Day 2
  2. Rick Louie

    Cancelled 2nd Annual Buena Vista June Jam (Colorado Front Range)

    I'm not going to leave my house till 3 due to meetings, so probably won't be in the area of the Fort till about 4:30pm. @JDGreens is leaving earlier on Thursday.
  3. Rick Louie

    Cancelled 2nd Annual Buena Vista June Jam (Colorado Front Range)

    I'll probably not be able to head out till around 3pm. I'll talk to you on Wednesday and let you know if things change.
  4. Rick Louie

    Cancelled 2nd Annual Buena Vista June Jam (Colorado Front Range)

    What time would the convoy leave from The Fort? I work that day so not sure how early I can break out.
  5. Rick Louie

    Cancelled 2nd Annual Buena Vista June Jam (Colorado Front Range)

    I'm not sure I can stay the whole weekend, but planning on being out there late Thursday. Thanks for putting this together.
  6. Rick Louie

    US Rocky Mountain Colorado Front Range Camp out Meetup

    Just joined OB. Looking forward to meeting some local members!