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  1. vicali

    Threshold Braking 101: When Rubber Meets Ice

    Good day eh Bruce. Great video, great demo, great cruiser.. Subscribed from BC eh? Good day.
  2. vicali

    1986 Toyota pickup dlx extra cab. IFS 22re

    Awesome, take care of it! My first vehicle as a 16 year old was another 86 Xtra cab. I love our 2nd gen Tacoma now, but still miss that little truck.
  3. vicali

    Antenna Springs

    I would install it then tune it. google pic; I've got the same 2/70B antenna myself on the fender; I don't get into the really thick stuff but I've never worried about the odd branch - I've also seen these Larsons on forestry bush trucks go for a long time with not one problem at all. Are...
  4. vicali

    Stock Toyota steel wheel.

    255/70-R17 Blizzak DM-V1. A little bit skinnier and taller than the summer stock 265/65-R17 size. This spring I'm putting 265/70-R17 Ko2
  5. vicali

    Stock Toyota steel wheel.

    I run Fj Steelies in the winter; 17x7.5 +15mm offset 4.5" backspacing (vs stock Tacoma 5.5") And then painted them white; I love the look, they are rock solid, and at $90ea they were a better price than waiting for takeoffs to come along.
  6. vicali

    Factory tow point or use hitch?

    The confusion here is that we are talking about recovery points when really the car only has tie down shipping or straight/flat/easy/tow points; :flushed:
  7. vicali

    Factory tow point or use hitch?

    Does your Outback have the two hoops up front and one at the back? Those are tie down points. You might get a few straight pulls on them but you won't get away with doing a hairy recovery. Our Forester is the same. Worse if you have the 'tow bolt' that threads into the bumper.. Your options are...
  8. vicali

    Spare tire mounting on a Tacoma.

    This is a T-slot; You take off the end caps and slide it down the rail. Then when you are mounting to it the bolts just thread right in. Your carriage bolts are doing the same, just not as 'technical'..
  9. vicali

    Spare tire mounting on a Tacoma.

    You can do neat stuff with the side rails.. I actually found the T-slot nuts that go inside the tracks; That's a shovel, toolbox, hilift all the way around. There is a good trick to have a Jerry at the back of the box as well.
  10. vicali

    CB Radio (merged thread)

    I use the Antenna more to make sure my roof rack is going to clear going into parkades :tonguewink: my VHF/UHF is much more reliable and entertaining than the CB.
  11. vicali

    Trans Canada, by Land Rover..... in a couple of years

    Don't think so, It's in a provincial park; 6.5km to the top.. I think the best views are 3-4km in though.
  12. vicali

    CB Radio (merged thread)

    Another Cobra 75 here, just to keep it all compact and under the passenger seat out of the way; Everything is contained in the mic, so no worries about finding the best spot for a radio.. Picked up a fiberglass antenna from the local trucking shop and put it up front on the lightbar.
  13. vicali

    Trans Canada, by Land Rover..... in a couple of years

    Are you going to get up to the cliffs?
  14. vicali

    Trans Canada, by Land Rover..... in a couple of years

    I love the Kootenays in the fall; Larch turn and the weather stays nice, just don't walk around with antlers on your head.
  15. vicali

    Trans Canada, by Land Rover..... in a couple of years

    Check out these local forums for some local trip reports; Lots to visit, just a heads up; 2017 is Canada's 150th - so they've been giving out free passes to Canada Parks this year. While this is a good...
  16. vicali

    My first piece of recovery gear.

    Nice, I've got a similar one as well;
  17. vicali

    Auxillary light wiring...

    It would be nice to know the draw of those lights before you started, that would let you design the harness a bit better. Also will show if you need to run it with a relay or not - I would recommend you do. I also like to use add-a-fuse inputs rather than cutting/splicing the OEM harness. I...
  18. vicali

    Head Lamp Suggestions

    Depends what I'm doing, if it's walking the dog around the park in the winter, playing around at the campsite, or working on the vehicle I usually throw on the little petzel tikka. When I'm grooming and may need to walk back out I take my fenix - HP15 runs on AA and isn't too heavy..
  19. vicali

    Have a vanity license plate? Let's see it!

    Not really vanity, but in BC you can get callsign plates if you HAM;
  20. vicali

    Transalta Road - South Ghost

    Never been, but recognize the spots from the Ct4wd/UO guys..