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  1. Lothar

    US Northwest 8th Annual Go Play Topless Day By Eastern Washington Expeditions

    Hello, I would like to join you on this trip and just RSVP'd. I'm coming from the Tri Cities.
  2. Lothar

    US Northwest Inland Northwest Monthly Conferance Call - What's for dinner tonight?

    I just RSVP'd. My contribution will be a camping-friendly chicken fried rice. Do you need anything from me beforehand?
  3. Lothar

    US Northwest Inland Northwest Monthly Conferance Call - What do I REALLY need??

    Thanks for setting this up Steve. My webcam should be here tonight and I'm getting a camp recipe put together for 3/21's meeting
  4. Lothar

    US Northwest Inland Northwest Monthly Conferance Call - What do I REALLY need??

    Just signed up and sent you links to my items. Talk to you all soon.
  5. Lothar

    What knives do you guys recommend?

    Benchmade 940 is my favorite folder of all time. I'd share a picture but I lost it and need to order another one. I've owned a couple of Spydercos but I don't like them as much as my Benchmade. For backpacking and hiking (things I would like to do in conjunction with overlanding) I find I...
  6. Lothar


    I just joined last week and look forward to slapping the Overland Bound medallion on my YJ when it arrives later today. I'm on the wrong side of middle agedom, family man, a veteran with gallows humor, charmingly obnoxious (debatable), and based out of the Columbia Basin, Eastern Washington...