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  1. TrailHawkGuy

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - Pleasanton Ridge regional park CA - AUGUST MEET up moved to Aug 20- OLD THREAD

    Quick Reminder - The meetup is on TODAY - see you at 1pm - Bring your questions and handheld for the HAM session. ### Signature Armin @TrailHawkGuy --- **Next EastBay Meetups** - May 14 - Comms Day - @... (Sergio) -...
  2. TrailHawkGuy

    US West EastBay - Mendocino Forest Trip

    Steve and Geoff will lead a trip to the Mendocino National Forest Bay Area to Board Tree Friday night. Board Tree to Bear on Saturday - 60 miles Bear home via Eel Creek then Covello (cheap gas - it is an Indian Casino) View Rally Point
  3. TrailHawkGuy

    US West OB Eastbay - DeathValley Spring Base Camp

    Roger posted a nice set on Facebook
  4. TrailHawkGuy

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - Pleasanton Ridge regional park CA - AUGUST MEET up moved to Aug 20- OLD THREAD

    EastBay OB Fellows, thanks for coming out to our meetup yesterday. It was a truely awsome session led by Chris Solis (Insta: @El Solis. Your questions and engagement were awesome. For those who couldn't make it I wanted to follow up with links to a few resources Chris...
  5. TrailHawkGuy

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - Pleasanton Ridge regional park CA - AUGUST MEET up moved to Aug 20- OLD THREAD

    Fellow East Bay OB crew, our meetup is tomorrow Sunday April 16th at 1PM. We will meet at our usual spot. The Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park is open and accessible again. It’s open now from the Pleasanton side of Foothill Rd. Use south on Foothill from Castlewood Road. Main Topic : First Aid...
  6. TrailHawkGuy

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - Pleasanton Ridge regional park CA - AUGUST MEET up moved to Aug 20- OLD THREAD

    Quick Reminder - NO MEETUP this Easter Sunday. We'll meet one week later April 16th. Happy Easter Weekend Armin @TrailHawkGuy --- **Next EastBay Meetups** East Bay Monthly Meet Up—Pleasanton CA (APR Meetup 1- one week later due to EASTER) - Apr 16 - First Aid / Medical with Chris Solis...
  7. TrailHawkGuy

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - Pleasanton Ridge regional park CA - AUGUST MEET up moved to Aug 20- OLD THREAD

    Hello Eastbay OB Fellows, the DeathValley Ralley Point has been posted Armin @TrailHawkGuy --- **Next EastBay Meetups** - Apr 16 - First...
  8. TrailHawkGuy

    US West OB Eastbay - DeathValley Spring Base Camp

    Book on your own - Suggest to wait and see who signs up and then team up to make a reservation. the Dry RV sites (46-71) can accommodate 2-3 vehicles. We'll talk more about logistics at our meetup on 4/16
  9. TrailHawkGuy

    US West OB Eastbay - DeathValley Spring Base Camp

    yes we will basecamp there and run various day / halfday routes in groups depending on interest ie see flowers, go rockcrawl, explore a mine etc
  10. TrailHawkGuy

    US West OB Eastbay - DeathValley Spring Base Camp

    Come join usCome join us for a few days of exploring DeathValley. For this trip we will have a very flexible agenda. WE will basecamp at the Panamint Springs resort and hang / explore from there FRI, SAT and SUN. Meet-up: - 6:30 AM at the McDonald’s at Santa Rita and Highway 580 E. BaseCamp...
  11. TrailHawkGuy

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - Pleasanton Ridge regional park CA - AUGUST MEET up moved to Aug 20- OLD THREAD

    Fellows, great turn out yesterday - it was super cool to see so many rigs "swamp" the lot of ShaffersOffroad. Super thankful for the support by Mike, Annie and the whole crew at Shaffers !!! A couple of Admin Items SWAP follow up - I know not every item ended up changing hands and some people...
  12. TrailHawkGuy

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - Pleasanton Ridge regional park CA - AUGUST MEET up moved to Aug 20- OLD THREAD

    Fellows a quick reminder our March meetup will be the SWAP meet 1pm @ Shaffers Offroad, 30580 Union City Blvd, Union City, CA 94587 ... and don't forget to adjust your clocks for daylight savings. Looking forward to see you Armin @TrailHawkGuy --- **Next EastBay Meetups**...
  13. TrailHawkGuy

    US West EastBay Overlandbound crew will have our annual Swap Meet at Shaffers Offroad

    Fellows a quick reminder our March meetup will be the SWAP meet 1pm @ Shaffers Offroad, 30580 Union City Blvd, Union City, CA 94587 ... and don't forget to adjust your clocks for daylight savings. Looking forward to see you Armin @TrailHawkGuy --- **Next EastBay Meetups**...
  14. TrailHawkGuy

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - Pleasanton Ridge regional park CA - AUGUST MEET up moved to Aug 20- OLD THREAD

    I posted the rally point for our swap meet next Sunday EastBay Overlandbound crew will have our annual Swap Meet at Shaffers Offroad Please RSVP over there to help with getting a proper headcount Thanks
  15. TrailHawkGuy

    US West EastBay Overlandbound crew will have our annual Swap Meet at Shaffers Offroad

    The EastBay Overlandbound crew will have our annual Swap Meet at Shaffers Offroad, 30580 Union City Blvd, Union City, CA 94587 on Sunday Mar 12th at 1pm. View Rally Point
  16. TrailHawkGuy

    US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - Pleasanton Ridge regional park CA - AUGUST MEET up moved to Aug 20- OLD THREAD

    Eastbay OB fellows, given the current weather conditions and current lack of flowers I have decided to postpone our DEATH VALLEY BASECAMP trip into April timeframe The plan is to definitely make it to Death Valley this spring to hopefully experience a decent spring bloom. Death Valley...