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  1. Paris0514

    AT Overland Habitat

    Nothing particularly. I will eventually like to get a cabinet setup with a galley for walking potentially. Other than that. No. Sorry for the delay in responding.
  2. Paris0514

    OB Approved Safety and Security While Traveling

    Love seeing this thread so active!
  3. Paris0514

    OB Approved Two is One, One is None Rule

    So glad you were able to attend. If you should need anything feel free to reach out.
  4. Paris0514

    OB Approved Two is One, One is None Rule

    Thanks for the read and reply.
  5. Paris0514

    OB Approved Safety and Security While Traveling

    Thank you for the read and comment.
  6. Paris0514

    OB Approved Safety and Security While Traveling

    Thank you for your comments.
  7. Paris0514

    OB Approved Safety and Security While Traveling

    Thank you for the read and comments. If you like what we have here you should visit our site at Switchback Outdoor Safety – Navigating Safety in the Outdoors
  8. Paris0514


    Here are a few people around. Check out KC overlanders on fb. There is activity there and you can meet several people.
  9. Paris0514

    OB Approved Two is One, One is None Rule

    As described in the article there is two ways to consider two is one and one is none principle. I don’t believe it is as narrow of a definition as on the face. My experiences through special teams and training always tended to blend the idea.
  10. Paris0514

    OB Approved Two is One, One is None Rule

    Your understanding that you shouldn’t carry everything and the kitchen sink and then carry two of them is correct. The article does not encourage taking two of everything. The article encourages having items that are dual purpose or having the means to accomplish the same task more than one way.
  11. Paris0514

    OB Approved Two is One, One is None Rule

    Thanks for the read and the comment.
  12. Paris0514

    OB Approved Two is One, One is None Rule

    Thanks for reading and the comment.
  13. Paris0514

    New member from KS

    Welcome from Kansas City !
  14. Paris0514

    What boots do members wear

    Lowa Zephyr GTX Little to no break in. Great wearing. Depending on which model you own can be worn at work and go straight into the field.
  15. Paris0514

    Stedi Type X Pro Driving Lights

    Great choices. I may still buy the ARB fog replacements. Let me know what you think of them.
  16. Paris0514

    Members Instagram ID

    IG Aaron.Paris
  17. Paris0514


    I’m in Kansas City, MO suburbs. Hope all is well.
  18. Paris0514

    AT Overland Habitat

    Yes the industry has really taken off in the last 4-6 years. New innovating options keep being developed every year. It’s been an exciting time for backcountry discovery, touring, Overlanding, and off-roading.
  19. Paris0514

    OB Approved Two is One, One is None Rule

    Thanks for the reply. I’m glad to see it was insightful and informative for you. If you like the post and give it a like. Appreciate you stopping by and reading.
  20. Paris0514

    OB Approved Two is One, One is None Rule

    Having had a lengthy career in law enforcement and spent many years exploring, backpacking and vehicle dependent travel, I have found the the two is one, one is none rule to apply more often than not. If you were never in the military or first responder you may not have heard this saying...