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  1. LndXrsr


    Hi all, joining this community from Cincinnati, OH, but spent most of my life in MI doing lots of 4-season outdoor adventures and off-roading. Working to combine my mechanical obsession with my family's backcountry camping habit. Just purchased this 2000 LX470 (100-series Land Cruiser) to slowly...
  2. LndXrsr

    Not your typical Overland Vehicle (pics)

    Can't find any more active pics, but my wife and I used to go on trips and sleep out of the back of this (in hindsight) very unreliable Audi Allroad. Still loved it though.
  3. LndXrsr

    Midwest Land Cruiser 100 Build and Adventure Thread

    Some additional photos exploring Maui that gave me the overland fever:
  4. LndXrsr

    Midwest Land Cruiser 100 Build and Adventure Thread

    Howdy Gang. I finally took the plunge and joined the forum after hanging out and reading/learning for a bit. Specifically joined because I just started an automotive adventure with a 2000 Land Cruiser so that my wife and I could have, well, adventures. A little background: I’ve been...
  5. LndXrsr

    Just joined from Cincinnati

    Hey all, my wife and I are avid outdoor enthusiasts, particularly backcountry hiking. Just picked up a new rig to turn into a mild overlander for many of our adventures. Hopefully lots of short trips, but also some long ones, considering much of where we want to go is far from the midwest. The...