Love the outdoors, camping, ultralight backpacking, horse packing, fly fishing, and Overlanding.
What I love most is entertaining Overland Bound folks!
If any of you get out Yellowstone way... come stay with us and I can take you flyfishing! That is, if I'm not out Overlanding and Trout Bumming somewhere myself. We have a small furnished apartment down below our house on the Wind River and hide a key in case anyone passes through when we are not there. Your welcome to spend a couple of nights! Save on motels and shower up! Don't want any money just leave it clean for the next OB folks and put the bedding from the bed on the floor in a ball. That way we can easily wash it for upcoming Overlanders when you leave. Small furnished kitchen, tiny bathroom, hot shower and past users have left food in the cupboards over time. A small town 5 miles away in case you want to be civilized and eat out. If we are around you can eat with us if you like elk, deer or antelope. Appreciate if you would sign our guest book and tell us about your trip and stay. If you want to flyfish the area I work through a local fly shop. Have all the equipment and know when and where to go! Plan ahead if you can as I can get busy during our tourist season. .If you want to use the apartment send us an email through this email address...
* In the Subject line use the name... Golden Trout Overland Bound Stay
* Give us your name on Overland Bound so we can see you are legit.
* That way we know you got this from my profile page and are verified members of OB. Please don't pass this info on to others only registered OB travelers.
We may be off grid somewhere so be patient for a reply. Wyoming you know.
* We are about 48 miles east of Grand Teton National Park on the Wind River. Can send you to some pretty cool remote places in the Wyoming, Wind River / Absaroka Mountains, as I know them quite well.
* For more information about me and our area visit my website... Trout
Had an uncle that mentored me and he was a Fish and Game department guy. Knew that is what I wanted to do as a career, so I went after it. Got hired as a state game warden and off to the state police academy they sent me first. Then six months of "how to be a game warden, department school" Assigned a patrol boat, 4x4 patrol truck, camping equipment, horse, guns and other gear. The off road patrol truck and the gas state credit card were the best! Spent my life patrolling and camping in the backcountry. And still cant believe I got paid for it! Many of my customers worked at night, usually after 1AM, so a bunch of night work. Recently retired and began working as a fly fishing guide and writing and photographing for fly fishing magazines. Miss that state issued gas card!
Come visit.
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- Location
Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA
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- Vehicle Year Make Model
Nissan Xterra and Ford 4x4 truck w camper
- Occupation
Retired game warden / fly fishing guide
- Service Branch
Game Warden
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Trout Bumming
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