Recent content by Ragman

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  1. Ragman

    Pots and pans (and kettle?) - nesting, compact, not crazy expensive

    I too generally cobble together kits made of my favorite pieces or gear for a specific trip. I like a lot of brands and use cast iron, carbon steel and anodized aluminum depending on my whim. I do have a nice nesting set from Magma that is really good but I don;t always take it as it is not...
  2. Ragman

    Portable Blender

    I know it is all individual but I find that I use a food processor so much more than my blender that I take my small hand powered food processor with me and never even think about a blender. With the food processor we can chop onions, make salsa or hummus (although dehydrated hummus is probably...
  3. Ragman

    Did Top Gear/Grand Tour Inspire a Generation of Overlanders?

    For me (being an older type) it was The Turtle Expedition in FourWheeler magazine that did it for me, followed by Overland Journal decades later.
  4. Ragman

    A New Stovetop Oven Coming

    Hey all. I haven't posted a video here for a while as I don't want to be one of "those folks"....but I was just able to test the Hajka Outdoor Oven currently funding on Kickstarter and I think it is a real winner. I have no affiliation with the company other than asking if I could test one and...
  5. Ragman

    The best damn breakfast sandwich you'll ever eat

    No that looks delicious-maybe you could become a consultant for McDonalds and teach them a thing or two!
  6. Ragman

    World's best waffle! SHOCKED THE WORLD

    We don't make many waffles at camp anymore but back in the day we used a cast iron waffle iron from Rome (the Pie Iron folks) and they were certainly a camping favorite! Looks good.
  7. Ragman

    The Grenadier....

    Haha, was not my intention but it really did perform great in that environment.
  8. Ragman

    The Grenadier....

    Yes, that is the one. Sorry for not posting up the link. Ya the time at the dealership was a bit extended as they had to work with INEOS to figure out why the fuel pump had shut down. Then it wouldn't go into gear and they again had to work with INEOS to figure that out. Once the mechanical...
  9. Ragman

    The Grenadier....

    Sorry, I just saw this. I was in love with the vehicle (with the exception of fuel consumption) right through our trip to Baja (video on the channel). Sadly because we got backed into there was a waterfall of issues that lead to it having to be hauled from Cabo to San Diego dealer. This was...
  10. Ragman

    Essential Tools and Gear for Overlanding

    I am also in the camp that it really depends on what you are doing. If you are remote there are more things I think necessary (think communications, medical preparation, stable food) that you would never need if you are going to a state park that has other people around. Be honest about the...
  11. Ragman

    Dehydrated vs freeze drying foods

    We don't use a fridge/freezer instead opting for a lighter and simpler set up (could always change our minds on this so no virtue signaling going on here) and find that the dehydrated stuff works very well as it is light and, more importantly, shelf stable for longer trips. The benefit/trade off...
  12. Ragman

    Dehydrated vs freeze drying foods

    Hey Grub, I know this is a bit old but we dehydrate pasta sauce and salsa as well as some stews. The pasta sauce and salsa come out like a fruit leather and simply rehydrate when steeped in boiling water. The stew is more crumbly when dehydrated, not like a leather but reheats well-use hamburger...
  13. Ragman

    Overlanding with a CPAP; Power options?

    Easylonger ES960 Battery Pack review is done. Before I start I will note that Easylonger sent me this battery pack to try out at no charge but did not ask for or receive any editorial role, nor did they see the video before it posted. Ok, so all in all I think this is a great tool for portable...
  14. Ragman

    Remote soldering station

    Nice find. That would certainly come in handy.
  15. Ragman

    Overlanding with a CPAP; Power options?

    I normally power mine with a DC power cord and my Bluetti power station. I just received ( sent by the company for review ) a 96,000 mah CPAP battery pack that looks to have cords for multiple cpap machines. The brand is Easylonger. I am just starting to test it but hoping it a nice compromise...