Recent content by freelradventures

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  1. freelradventures

    Let's see those rigs in action

    Exploring Serra da Estrela
  2. freelradventures

    Let's see those rigs in action

    New video with friends
  3. freelradventures

    Let's see those rigs in action

    Will follow
  4. freelradventures

    Let's see those rigs in action

    Second part of my Solo Adventures Série
  5. freelradventures

    Let's see those rigs in action

    Yes that's some good advice, always carry with me all that gear. The only thing i still need is a winch and recovery boards.
  6. freelradventures

    Let's see those rigs in action

    Cool shots Do you have a Instagram ir YouTube Channel?
  7. freelradventures

    Let's see those rigs in action

    New Série, Solo Adventures, in my Youtube Channel 1st Chapter
  8. freelradventures

    Let's see those rigs in action

    Triple Trouble Touareg - 2nd Part
  9. freelradventures

    Let's see those rigs in action

    3 VW Touareg in action on the Portuguese Tracks
  10. freelradventures

    Let's see those rigs in action

    First part of a rocky climb
  11. freelradventures

    Let's see those rigs in action
  12. freelradventures

    Let's see those rigs in action

    New Vídeo with my Touareg in the trails