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  • Hi, my name is Maggie and I am a new member. Since we’re both from MA I was wondering what are your favorite trails and camping sites. Great to meet new friends. Can’t wait to start adventuri again. Stay safe and healthy
    I was asked to reach out to you. I am going to the overland Expo in Nov. in NC. Is there anything I need to know or do. I have also made myself as a volunteer but have not heard back from them yet.
    Hey Chris! New to the Jeep...and Overland... game - from Salem, MA - just wanted to say hello. I'm going to be doing my first preps for offroading, throwing in a Rocky Road lift and level kit, in the next couple of weeks. Lots of fun here, hope to catch you around.
    I guess I need to come back to my profile page a little more often. I had no idea folks were posting here. Welcome to Overland Bound. Glad you found us. Keep an eye on Rally Point as we create meetups and events for the East. I look forward to meeting you out on the trails sometime.
    Hi Chris,
    Mark #5005 from OXE. Just wanted to check in and say HI!! Thought you guys were awesome and did a great job.
    Talk to you soon.
    Hey, It was great chatting with everyone. OXE was a great success and very encouraging to see all the folks from the East.
    Thanks for stopping by!
    How do I post to the calendar?
    Thread Tools > Calendar Add. Then select the date. Or, you can create an event in rally point. It will then add to the calendar, create a thread specific to the event and allow you to send an invite to all members in a predefined radius of the meetup location. pm me if you want help with that.

    I ma considering relocating to Austin area. Can you tell me how much overland style camping there is within a few hours of you?

    Wow, Never saw this. Not a whole lot. But there are a few wheeling parks with camp facilities. State parks all have camping. And the National forests have old forest roads. There are some backcountry roads that are slowly being updated. And Big Bend is only 7 hours away. The Ozarks are about 8 hours. New Mexico is about 12 hours.
    It may not help, but what keeps me here in Austin is the culture and the people. I wish there were closer overlanding opportunities. There are, however, quite a few people who do lots of trips all over the country. And almost every one of them would love to add a rig to the convoy.
    Scott Riggs
    Scott Riggs
    Lots of off road parks, State and National Parks within a few hours of Austin. Hidden Falls Off Road park is just west of Cedar Park (north Austin) and others around the Republic of Texas :) Just Google off road parks Texas or look at some of the Off Road Forums. There is great camping within 1-4 hours of Austin....we really like Inks Lake and Garner State Park, but there is really alot to do outside.
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