Recent content by brien

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  1. brien

    Arizona Overlanders

  2. brien

    Heated Camp Shower vs. Powered Cooler/Freezer/Fridge

    I agree with the other responses, fridge is the easy answer. Switching from cooler to fridge was one of the single greatest upgrades we did to our setup. It's just so much less hassle once you don't have to deal with ice bags, in addition to all your food staying dry instead of eventually soaked...
  3. brien

    Diesel heat

    You can get two of the three with a Chinese knock-off diesel heater from amazon/ebay/ali-express. They're reasonably quiet and easy on the wallet, but not always super intuitive to control. the installation is pretty straight forward if you watch YT videos, don't even bother with the user...
  4. brien

    Let's Talk About the Exciting World of EVAP Systems - and EVAP Issues

    Update! Been a super busy last week and a half or so, but here's the update: I still have the issue :sob: The stress test I put it through started off great. I put it through the worst case scenario, on the way to the trail there was a ton of stop and go traffic, lots of idling, yadda yadda...
  5. brien

    Let's Talk About the Exciting World of EVAP Systems - and EVAP Issues

    Ooh, ok, lemme think on that list you provided here we go Cooling: Engine temp gauge is never past center, it basically stays center the whole time, which I believe should be around 190-210F. Thermostat is rated at 195. Catalytic Converter: Hmm, good question. I don't have a way in my shop to...
  6. brien

    Let's Talk About the Exciting World of EVAP Systems - and EVAP Issues

    While looking into the purge valve, my memory immediately went to when I was installing my Genesis Offroad dual battery setup. On the JKU, part of the install includes cutting the evap purge line and retrofitting it with some 9.5mm rubber tubing in order to allow relocation of the purge valve...
  7. brien

    Let's Talk About the Exciting World of EVAP Systems - and EVAP Issues

    If you are like me, you have an EVAP system in your rig. Even if you're not like me, you still have one, unless you are one of those cool Rivian or F150 Lightning folks or are driving something made before the 70s. If you are also like me, you know jack sh*t about the nitty gritty details of the...
  8. brien

    Electric chainsaw recommendations?

    We carry the 12" DeWalt with a 6ah battery and it's been incredibly useful on a number of occasions. One time when out on a remote recovery we had to clear a path down an extremely overgrown wash. We had to stop and trim branches about every 30 feet for TWO HOURS and it somehow lasted the whole...
  9. brien

    Hi all! Nice to finally join this place

    Welcome! That's a nice looking VW!
  10. brien

    What are some good gear to have on any overland vehicle? And good tire size for overlanding

    Great responses in this thread so far, I'll add some less glamourous absolute must-have items that I recommend for anybody going into the wilderness, especially if you typically go as a solo vehicle. 1) Maps - Have a map of the area you are exploring. Spend some time getting generally familiar...
  11. brien

    2016 JKU Rubicon Hard Rock - Jolene

    I have all the parts I need to finally swap out the compromised suspension on our trailer. I assembled one swing arm today and hope to do the other one tomorrow. I still need to take the new rims to the tire shop to get my tires mounted early next week but after that I should be able to do the...
  12. brien

    Yearly west trip

    You might consider the "AZ6 Young to Winona" leg of the AZBDR route which i think they label as "Section 3" and "Section 4". It drops south off of HWY 40 and will take you to Young, AZ. From Young you can continue on 288 south to Globe through Tonto NF. West from Globe will take you right to...
  13. brien

    2016 JKU Rubicon Hard Rock - Jolene

    I really need to do a full walkaround update of our setup, but here's some quick pics. Here's the current setup. The core has remained basically the same for the past few years with a few upgrades here and there One major change we've made is that I removed our old galley from the back of the...
  14. brien

    Camp Photos!

    What a great view!
  15. brien

    Who's your Trail Buddy?

    In addition to the wife and kids, we have an R.O.U.S. named Chencha and a rat named Tito. They love nothing more to be out on the trails. for the curious, they are both Xoloitzcuintli mix