The December 19 meetup is our annual White Elephant Used Gear Exchange. Gift wrap a used piece of camping or overlanding gear and get ready for the fun.
We’ll grab a meal at the patio (Clearman’s Galley) at 6pm. The white elephant will take place in the parking lot afterwards.
Please leave...
A bunch of the guys will be attending the Offroad Expo at the Pomona Fairgrounds the morning of Saturday, 9/28. There’s good deals and lots of freebies. Post if you’d like to join...
Regarding the July 18 meetup, many of the regulars are off on different trips. Attendance for this meetup may be light, but you’re encouraged to still meet and have a meal together.
Weekend Offroad has another event coming up late June. You can register in their site.
@Grey Hawk will get us some info about the June exam. The HAMradioprep app is pretty good. They provide info via videos and print. It’s $28 per course though (with promo ARC20).
@smritte I’ve got my Baofeng to hold me over till Black Friday.
@socal66 Let’s do it Carl. Drew is also joining us. Rick, Chris?
@PalmeredHackle I signed up for yesterday. I should’ve inquired around first. We’ll all be sad hams soon! Woohoo!
I’m thinking about taking my HAM Technician exam in June, with the Rio Hondo Amateur Radio Club in Whittier. Anyone interested in joining me?
I’ll confirm the date/time, fee, etc when I receive more details.
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