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  • All is well at the ranch. We are remodeling our house and working on another property we have in the Strawberry Mountain Wilderness. Not hosting many events this year. Considering a group campout in the fall!
    Update! We have been using our extra time at home to work on the barn and streamline storage solutions for the rig. Be safe be smart out there.
    Update! All is well at the ranch, the red wing black birds have returned and we welcome their unique warble. Its steelhead season so we are at the river(s) fishing every chance we get!
    With the weather cooling off again and snow returning the turkey, antelope, and deer have come off the mountain and are back in the fields and even right up by the barn. We went exploring last weekend and found a new trail with a campsite overlooking the Black Canyon...GREAT views. Hoping to get out there again tomorrow.
    Weekly Update: 12/3/2019
    With a 5 day weekend Thanksgiving was both fun and restful. We are so fortunate to have good food and good friends to share it with. We went up to a friends cabin and went sledding and had a HUGE bonfire, I'm talking 20ft flames at one point. Up next we have an old college friend coming to the ranch to visit for a weekend of wilderness adventure and campfires.
    Weekly Update: 11/25/2019
    Relaxing weekend at the ranch with no direct Overlanding activities. Went to a local Christmas Bizarre put on at a school in a neighboring town. Won the first door prize raffle which was exciting! Colleen chose a vase made by the pottery class. We got some very cool handmade wood toys for the nephews. We saw a Golden Eagle and a herd of Antelope on the way back.
    11/15/19-11/17/19: Scouted some trails and got a fishing trip in at our favorite high mountain lake before it freezes over and the snow locks out the trail. We all set personal records for our biggest trout! It was chilly but we started a campfire to go warm up next to. The hike in is brutal but worth it for those huge trout.
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    Reactions: Corrie
    Had a similar few days in the Sierras. The cold had set in, but not the snow and the impassable trails. :)
    Snow in our forecast for next week! We've enjoyed our extra-long fall weather though :D
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