Shasta Cascade Northern Californian Spiritual Travelings Overlanding Group Monthly Meet Up.
Spiritual Travelings Overland Group is an off road adventure group with a soulful approach. This overlanding group makes space for the sublime experience of offroad adventure. A new meet up group happening on every second Wensday of each month and is a subsection and forum discussions at website https://www.spiritualtravelings.com/
We found a very cool Thai restaurant that is affordable and excellent food called the Thai Cafe in Redding and the idea is to meet there at 6:30 pm.
Also, the hope is that, in the future, we will be doing trips as well. Who knows what the future has in store, I guess some of those ideas will come up during the gathering.
Keep Wandering,
Scott & Cindy Johnson
We found a very cool Thai restaurant that is affordable and excellent food called the Thai Cafe in Redding and the idea is to meet there at 6:30 pm.
Also, the hope is that, in the future, we will be doing trips as well. Who knows what the future has in store, I guess some of those ideas will come up during the gathering.
Keep Wandering,
Scott & Cindy Johnson
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
06:30 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)18:30 Hrs GMT -8:00 -
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
10:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)22:00 Hrs GMT -8:00
US West
1 - EASY 1
Rally Point Event
A member of our community has created this event! Reach out to them on the Attendees tab for more info, or join the discussion to keep up to date!

Terrain Type


Channel Channel Value
- Start Point: OLD Start Point
Start Location
This Rally Point location and route can be downloaded if the buttons are active. The “Launch Google Earth" option will allow you to review the location in 3D. Please keep in mind, actual terrain may vary greatly. This should be used for reference only.
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