Dave's 30th B-day Off Road Expedition through Death Valley! 3/1 - 3/4
Thursday, March 01, 2018
09:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)09:00 Hrs GMT -8:00 -
Sunday, March 04, 2018
02:30 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)14:30 Hrs GMT -8:00
US West
Rally Point Event

Terrain Type


Rally Point Details:
Thursday, March 1st:
Will meet up (location & time TBD) in the AM
Last gas stop near Trona
Head to Ballarat Ghost Town
Goler Canyon
Lotus Mine (Time permitting)
Dry camp around Barker Ranch or Lotus Mine
Friday, March 2nd:
Mengel Pass -> Butte Valley -> Warm Springs Rd. -> Badwater Rd.
Stop at various points of interest along the way (i.e. abandoned mines, cabins, etc.)
Check out Badwater Basin
Camp at Furnace Creek
Saturday, March 3rd:
Chloride City Ghost Town & Cliffs
Gas in Beatty, NV
Rhyolite Ghost town
Titus Canyon Trail
Camp at Furnace Creek
Sunday, March 4th*:
Check out Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes
Hike Mosaic Canyon Trail
Head out of park using Emigrant Canyon Rd. to Trona Wildrose Rd.
*Everyone is free to leave as they wish or stick around for hiking
For Thursday, we will be dry camping somewhere along Goler Canyon, but no further than Barker Ranch. Maybe up Lotus Mine Rd?
For Friday and Saturday, I’ll be staying at Furnace Creek Campground which is now fully booked. There is also Sunset Campground and Texas Spring Campground, both first come first serve, that’s right across the street for others to camp. I have chosen a campground over dry camping because the location works for the proposed route and my girlfriend will be meeting me Friday evening. She'll be coming up in her G35 and needs to leave it at the campsite while we venture out.
Points to make:
- Some of these trails are not easy and require modified rigs. 4wd is a must. Skids and sliders will be helpful going through Mengel Pass which I think will be the most difficult part of this route.
- This is a national park so there is a $25 fee unless you have an annual park pass
- CB radio is highly recommended
- We will be topping off on gas before entering the park and during mid-day Saturday, but I would bring 5 gallons extra just in case. I don't want to pay $4.50/gal or more in the park
- Basically, come prepared with experience for technical off roading and camping!
I will provide a more detailed itinerary for those seriously interested. Send me a message if you want with email and I’ll forward you my word document.
This will be my first trip through Death Valley, but have done quite a bit of research and really looking forward to exploring the area. I’m not looking to make this a massive group. I’d like to keep it around 8 rigs. If you have any questions, advise, opinions, inputs, don't hesitate to contact me. So let me know if you want to partake and let’s explore!
- Start Point: OLD Start Point
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