What Radio in question? And what antenna?.... my All Band radio has a built in tuner. Your tuner looks just like my CB tuner... that I use for 2m and 70cm tuning. For the rest of the bands I use a MFJ-949E... I find even on my homemade antennas, that if built to spec I have very little if any tuning to do... case in point, I took a magnetic mount LillWill Cb antenna, Cut the coil, and trimmed it to the center of the 2m band at 1/4 wave and I have a near perfect 1.2 SWR without even adjusting it. My ham sticks all strait out of the package (80m-6m, 8 sticks total) gave me a perfect 1.1-1.5 through each of the sticks.
For building antenna systems a NanoVNA is worth is weight in gold... look at the H4 models... wish I would have sprung for the larger screen off the bat... ohh well soon I will get the H4, although my H2 is doing the job well plugged into my laptop.