Thanksgiving at Usal Beach

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Rank III
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Influencer II

San Francisco
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Got a small caravan headed to Usal for Thursday-Sunday. We are bringing a turkey that were either going to set up a rotisserie or burry the turkey in the sand like you would a pig. Come join us! 3 definite vehicles to look for are 2- 1st generation Tacos. 1 brown the other green, then a white Ford Ranger. Ill be fishing while my other buddy will attempt to get some surfing in. Cant wait to get back to Usal!
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Reactions: Ohhhgeee and Crispy


Rank III
Launch Member

Influencer II

San Francisco
Member #


Got a small caravan headed to Usal for Thursday-Sunday. We are bringing a turkey that were either going to set up a rotisserie or bury the turkey in the sand like you would a pig. Come join us! 3 definite vehicles to look for are 2- 1st generation Tacos. 1 brown the other green, then a white Ford Ranger. Ill be fishing while my other buddy will attempt to get some surfing in. Cant wait to get back to Usal!

Bump for more trucks!

Were going to do 1 turkey in the ground and 1 turkey on a rotisserie. Lost Coast 4WD Page 001.jpg Lost Coast 4WD Page 002.jpg Usal Campsite.jpg
