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Uk. 53.4084 N 2 .9916W.
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Left some bags of grain in the back of my truck Parked up and went in doors for the night
I have security lights in my drive. I noticed they were going on thru my window Checked my camra to see mr rat paying atention to my truck then jump up into the wheel arch so i ran out armed with my terriers they picked up the scent and ran to the wheel arch then to my horror my old bitch turned and headed for my wifes vw golf and was wagging her tail as she Does when theres rats or varmits afoot .
Delema rat in my truck or rat in the vw! Opening the bonnet of the vw the terrier went mad I held a torch and scanned could not see anything at first but. As these vw are all enclosed these days It could be any were , i peerd down by the radiator there it was Inbeetween the rad and the grill , i ran indoors and grabbed my bsa air rifle. And aimed but stopped as it has a tele sight and i suddenly Relised ,
I might do damage back in and grabbed a long walking thum stick, if it bolts the terriers were ready i poked it hard. Trapping it and increased the pressure till. I knew it was deceased
Now i had two terrier going crazy running round the vw Screaming . A dead rat in the engine and a misses staring out the door with a face like a bull dog chewing a wasp. RAT SHE SCREEMED. IN MY CAR HOW WHEN WHY GET IT THE Fxxk out of my car ! Its dead says i oh long pause then get it out now now it will stink I got it out through. The little hole by the wheel arch thank fook
Turned round the terrier were now at the pick up Opened the back and put a terrier in nothing ,
Opened the bonnet to find ratt dropings on the wheel arches. But no rats. living in the middle of agricultural land rats frequent my patch but having terriers i keep them under control Few years back they got into my nighbours renult and chewed the wiring costly On closer inpection the next morning it seems the rat had found the grain and had been visting the pick over a few nights. Traps set and baited Two were caught , hate to think what would have happend if the misses had been driving and a rat appeard on the seat next to her lol
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Phil Preston

Rank V
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Shelbyville, KY USA
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That is a funny story mate! Just an ideal, I wonder if you could get one of those ultra sonic rat deterrent devices you can get for the house in 12v? Then it could be plugged in the vehicle to keep them at bay. :grinning:


Rank V
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Oh Man!

My former team lead had Prairie Dogs chew up the main ECU wiring harness on his Tahoe.
Happened while he was parked at work. He started driving home when the panel light up like Christmas. He got it towed home where he spent the night and weekend splicing/replacing wires.

I picked up one of these from McD's the next day and put a bunch of stripped wires in it's mouth to give him for unlocking the "Wire rat" achievement

He kept it on his desk until he retired :D

Dad when out of town on a business trip cam back to a nest of Squirrels under his hood. I tried to help him get rid of them but was laughing too damn hard as he took the van to the carwash and was spraying them. They would run around the van, and shoot into another safe place, he'd blast them again and they would scatter run around and tuck back into the van. Tears and sides were splitting. Wish I'd had video of it. (No damage to van, but filled up 2 trash cans with trash packed into EVERY Crevice of the engine compartment and STUNK to high heaven.)
