Photography project collaboration.

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Rank I

Contributor III

Bellingham, WA, USA
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Hello Overland friends, Im new to the group. I just joined, because I am looking for someone or a couple somones who might be interested in working on a personal project with me.
Im a commercial photographer who works in the outdoor lifestyle and adventure industry.
Im looking for someone who owns a late model vehicle that would love to have their vehicle photographed in various situations. I would be looking for people with 2021/22 or newer vehicles like Tundras, Tacomas etc. Modified vehicles are prefered.
In return, I'll give you access to images I have shot so you'll have some fantastic photos of your rig.
Here's my portfolio so you know I'm not messing around with just making simple snaps. Aaron Ingrao Commercial & Editorial Photographer.
If you want to reach out to me by email, that would be great.
Im located in Bellingham.
Thanks in advance!
NFL SB LVII Promo.jpg


Rank V
Launch Member

Experimenter I

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Keep at it, it’ll take time, you’re fishing in a very small pool. Most people aren’t out denting, chipping and scratching new vehicles. The ones that are, often take nice pictures themselves.

Your website says y’all live on the road. If I were you, I’d get a travel thread started and keep it up dated. Then at the bottom of each post, have a one or two sentence distilled pitch of your desired project. If you put it on your signature instead of post, the older posts will remain up to date.