Traveler III
To secure, fasten, and hold outdoor gear in a truck while overlanding is a must. I found my cargo net!
To secure, fasten, and hold outdoor gear in a truck while overlanding is a must. I found my cargo net!
Traveler III
Off-Road Ranger I
Traveler III
Pathfinder I
Off-Road Ranger I
Well then, tell us of your experience with it. Look- I have tarped more than a couple of loads over the course of my life and quickly found a different approach. I hope yours stays down, doesn’t flap around in the wind, doesn’t develop rips or tears and lasts a decade or two. I almost put up an advertisement for some gear that I use, but I quickly reminded myself of the afementioned reasons not to. I for one enjoy these forums immensely because they are ad free and I hope to help keep them that way.No, not sponsored. No, not advertising, and no shame as the content is for those who seek experiential options.
Traveler III
Member III
This and mainly to make sure lighter items dont get blown out of the truck bed. Theoretically you dont have to be as fastidious packing lighter items inside boxes. Or lighter items or blankets could be used as batting between boxes or delicate items. And they dont work their way out and get blown away as easilyI think anyone who owned a pickup in the 80's had a cargo net. Not sure why I stopped using them, possibly because of the poor build quality of the times. These look to be well built. On the other hand, the video shows cargo boxes on a platform being held in place with the net. My experience would have them shifting around. I would have used straps on the boxes and the net more for the bags. I believe a net really shines securing soft containers.
Member III
Now that you say it that way, this is probably why I went away from nets. I started packing in boxes.Theoretically you dont have to be as fastidious packing lighter items inside boxes.