Off road towing insurance

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I’m interested in this as well. I ordered an Escapod trailer that will be ready in June 2021. They mentioned contacting your insurance provider for more details. I have not done that yet, but that seems like a good place to start.


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I work for a towing company. I've never heard of off road towing coverage however BCAA covers all the "Highway & FSR" portion and when we get to the "OffRoad" portion we charge $110 per hour. There are some places we go often, Idaho Peak Forestry Lookout Tower which is incredibly popular and technically a road sees maybe 50 cars a day in the summer but BCAA does not cover towing there. We get at least a call a week from someone broken down. For actual "off road rescue" it gets incredibly expensive fast. I cannot picture anyone offering an all inclusive insurance service..... or being able to afford the premium if they do.
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Over the years guys have opened up "recovery" companies out here. Their liability insurance is outrageous. Most didn't stay open. They have to charge huge amounts of money and tell you to just have your insurance pay for it. (you pay upfront). Most insurance will not. Then there were the others. They bought a winch and think they know recovery. Some of these ended badly. Being involved with 4wd clubs most of my life, you get to hear of them. They try to get the word out and the clubs are a great place to start.

I've gotten to see videos or sometimes come across "recovery efforts" that were stupid and dangerous. Fortunately, most of what we do would just mean a tow strap back to the highway. Now AAA can pick you up. There again I watched something simple become a disaster or an argument when either vehicle was damaged from the effort. Back wheels stuck fast in sticky mud. attach chain to bumper, get running start. Have chain break. Chain snaps forward smashing tailgate, going through rear window and out front. Simple pull out of deep water (this was me). Attached strap and his bumper pulled off. The idiot had it held on with sheet metal screws. He started yelling at me for pulling too hard. Sigh

This is why most wont venture out on dirt and the ones that do normally charge crazy money. Stuck remote, its normally best to try and contact one of the clubs. A couple of the forums i'm on, someone will help you if you post where you are. You just hope they know how to.

M Rose

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You’re an OB member, you have free recovery services... use the SoS features on the map and you will have a recovery plan lined out pretty quickly. Once recovered and back down to hard ball, call your insurance and report it at the new location.


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Wherever we park it will be home !!
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Hmmm, I’ve talked with my insurance guy extensively about towing insurance and liability/collision, etc. If I am on a legal public roadway I’m covered. I showed my agent some footage of the legal public roadways that we tend to traverse on. He got back to me about a week later after contacting underwriting and his statements were confirmed except for one thing. No insurance coverage while on “unmaintained” public roadways. Part of “being prepared” also includes having access to plenty of cash if something drastically goes wrong.

John Levers

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You’re an OB member, you have free recovery services... use the SoS features on the map and you will have a recovery plan lined out pretty quickly. Once recovered and back down to hard ball, call your insurance and report it at the new location.
M Rose I saw this thread and I was thinking the same thing we are all here to help fellow overlanders out. It may cost you a beer after you get out. lol

Pathfinder I

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Most regions in western usa have volunteer recovery groups, they have a website or facebook page. Most ask only for gas money. They have some pretty experienced guys.


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Nothing in the Midwest. Nope, Nada.

[If I get stuck, I'm torching my truck and camper. Hiking to a bus station, where I'll report it stolen.] If overlanding is a type of hobby or camping that you use to escape being around others...........find a new hobby if you're in the mid west. Because your fellow overlanders are the only ones that will take pity on your situation. And even that's unlikely. [Usually I'll just laugh at you, and hand you my gas can.]