New Overland Bound Emphasis (for me)

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Rank IV
Launch Member

Enthusiast III

Buhl, ID
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I love the OB slogan "Adventure is necessary." For me, it is a mantra of sorts.

I've had the highly modified vehicles and participated in my share of "overlanding" outings. Fun stuff. However, for me, it has always been more about getting into the outback and living the adventure than what centering on vehicles can bring.

Fairly recently, my kids gave me a GoPro camera. Okay. Cool. What can I do with this new piece of gear? (Little did I or anyone else have a clue what huge doors that little tiny camera would open.) Since then, I have acquired another GoPro camera and a Sony HDR CX675 camcorder, a 3 axis gimbal and lots of other accessories to make it all work together. In addition, I have purchased some very good editing software. Wow! A whole new world of adventure, learning, challenge and physical conditioning. It makes my present vehicles (Yamaha ATV and a Chevy Tracker) there to serve my adventures. Also, hiking has taken on a new importance in order to get into the places I want to go or access.

In my first attempt, I produced a 4 minute 30 second video built around a local favorite hike through a wildlife management area along the Snake River. It took well over an hours worth of taping and a number of hours of editing to get the finished project. My little dog and I had a great time in the process.

Now I am working on a project to somewhat document the amazing Idaho underground aquifer system that culminates with thousands of springs coming out of the Snake River canyon walls. I have made dozens of trips to get video shots and climbed canyon walls, over trees, brush, cattails and whatever I needed to get that better view.

Then, as part of the adventure, on nasty weather days (like today), I relive the adventures again in the editing process. Double whammy.

I have a bucket list going of projects for the new year. And, I am getting better as I undertake a new learning curve to use the equipment, software and to learn/explore new angles and techniques for getting satisfying videos. It is an exciting combination of tech, art, skill, craft, discipline and physical conditioning. I hope there will be those who enjoy my videos (family if no one else), but if not, I'm still the better for the activity.

I love the whole process. At 75, it keeps me young and going. Adventure is necessary!

link to the first vid I mention in the post:
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