ISO Mojave Sand Jeeps (Photo Opp)

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Hilton, New York, United States
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Hey y'all I am in need to at least 3 Mojave Sand Jeeps within or close to the Rochester, NY area for a beach photo session.

I am a professional photographer here in Rochester, NY and have been toying around with this idea for a beach themed avertising shot for Jeep. I have reached out to Jeep as well as some local Jeep dealers in the area who loved the idea.

I am still in the planning stages but will need 3 more Mojave Sand Jeeps, modified or not. For a photo shoot on a local beach. The photo shoot will take place at Hamlin Beach.

I have multiple ideas but the main shot I am looking to get is the Jeeps parked in the sand around a lit fire with their owners hanging out drinking some... Cokes... lol and just having a good time on the beach.

Local dealerships have reached out and offered the use of their Jeeps but I think its important for the feel of the image to have real Jeep owners with their own Jeeps representing the brand.

Anyways if you may be interested in this please drop a comment and follow this post for updates.

I will provide everyone involved with a free large print and copies of the digital images to be shared on social media with the proper PC.