I am on the same search. Input 35s on my pickup. The options I have found either effect the parking sensors, hide the camera view, are a pain to open to get the tailgate down, take up bed space, or add a time of height to the truck. I have come to the conclusion that I may have to ditch the tailgate, remount the camera and possibly go to an aftermarket bumper so the sensors work. On the bright side I am hatching a plan to dump the factory tire underneath and put air tanks there with some armor for airing up and took use.
Just throwing this our there...
I just dropped the Dessert Dueler spare on my 92 Yota Pickup. It's build date is from '91, so it's the original, and has never been used (still holding air, btw, lol). So, that begs the question, has anyone considered just carrying a tube? The logic being that most flats are repairable w/plugs, and most motorcyclists don't cary spares. The only (real) reasons to swap tires are a sidewall cut, a bead break, destroying a rim and/or shreading a tire. No tube will help the last, of course. But, the other three are doable enough to limp to a shop (in the US, at least). All four are pretty rare in my experience, especially shreading (in 40yrs, I've never done that). I do realize, it's A LOT of hassle getting a tube into a tire. But, again, I'm thinking the need would typically be rare. Thoughts?