Drying Clothes

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Off-Road Ranger I

Hastings - England
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Hi All,

Let's say you're planning a trip that lasts a couple of weeks, the weather is likely to be not great and you know you're going to get soaked on a few occasions.

What do you do, assuming no campfire at night, to dry those clothes?

Currently I just string a line between one side of the inside of my vehicle and the other and just let them swing about while I'm driving


but that's not always a great solution (a few socks full of cat litter in the back of the car or dehumidifier bags too, to absorb the moisture in the air is a good call when doing this)

Is there something else I'm missing?

Last time I just shoved some clothes into a bag covered in mud and water they weren't exactly usable after about a week or so.

Any and all clever solutions considered!
