Pathfinder II
Took the family up to see the famous Coral Hollow loop today. I had never been on it but had read and watched enough You Tube stuff to have an idea of what I was getting into. (Or so I thought) We loaded into my 2003 Acura MDX and entered in on the easy south entrance. The drive was as expected all the way to the Bear Trap Cabin. No problems or issues. Just a fun drive in the woods. The cabin and the valley were spectacular. If the aspen just turning to fall colors it was glorious. I had noticed on a map that the road is labeled 4wd from the cabin around the remainder of the trail. I knew there would be some tree squeezes and such and perhaps some steep stuff judging the contour map on the TRX app. As we proceeded from the cabin towards Michael's favorite camp spot the trail got rough real quick. I have vast off road and rock crawling experience so I know how to drive in the rough stuff but I normally do my trail work in a modified Wrangler not the family all weather rig. What I can tell you is... We didn't get too much farther. I went farther yah I probably should and paid the price. After deciding that it was getting to be more than the rig was really designed for, I decided to turn it around before I started doing damage. Yeah right, tell that to my "nerf bar/steps". Where I was clearing or very minor scraping on the way up became controlled bashing and banging on the way down. I tried to take the same lines down as up but something was different just in going the other way apparently. The end result is the steel support arms underneath took so bad hits. Though the tubes themselves look fine, the driver side one is now shifted back several inches. End result, they are now going to have to come off. I never liked the look anyway so I'm not that upset about it. Final word is, any rig or vehicle can easily make it to the cabin. Beyond that, you had better be driving a real 4x4 with low range, fair clearance, and skid plates beyond the cabin. Pics tomorrow.
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