CA: Los Angeles -> Half Moon Bay -> SJC

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Local Expert Southern CA
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Influencer I

Los Angeles
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I've got a work thing coming up in April that necessitates travel to Half Moon Bay. I'll be starting from LA, and have 2-3 days to get there. Any recommendations for primitive or dispersed camping on the way up? Bonus points if there's some light rock crawling or 4x4ing on the way.

I'll also have 2-3 days on the backed, where I'll only have to get from Half Moon to San Jose, so a side trip into Marin or similar is totally doable. Same parameters. :)

Thanks in advance,

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Rank IV

Advocate I

Redwood City
a lot of state between LA and HMB but I'd be thinking about checking out Big Sur. Hwy. 1 is still closed but there's a way to get to Big Sur from the 101.

Once on hwy. 1 there's forest service land and trails all around. prewitt ridge is a popular free area to camp. Tons of info online.

Depending on how much you want to drive or what you want to see, 2-3 days could take you to a lot of places in CA so more specifics might be helpful...