98 Jeep Cherokee sport

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Local Expert, Oklahoma USA
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Navina, Oklahoma
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My 93 has 280K, even though the rings were going bad on the #6 cylinder it still ran good and got about 19mpg. I recently dropped the 4.0 out of my totaled 97 as it had less mileage, put in axles from a 99 XJ and installed a lift kit all at the same time. My 00 has something like 250K (my 17yr old daughter drivers it now), my 97 had 175K before it was totaled.
With 232K it certainly wouldn't hurt to do some work and check out a few things. I would drop the pan and change the oil pump, the rear main seal, and check the main and rod bearings while you are in there. They are easy to change, easier if the engine is out lol. Of course, spark plugs, wires, distributor cap are probably due for replacement.
Does it leak oil? If so the 3 main suspects are the rear of the valve cover (easy fix), the oil filter adapter o-rings (will need a t60 torx bit that you will have to modify to get in there), and the rear main seal.


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Happy Valley, OR, USA
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All matters on maintenance and how hard it's been punished , ive seen them die with less then 100k and seen them live up to almost 400k .