We will likely have a generator for daytime operations, batteries at night. There are RV sites in the campground with power hookups though we will be in tent camping sites.
The plan currently is to have 3 HF radios set up and operating on 10m, 15m, 20m, and 40m. There are a couple of options; do you have an antenna for a different band? If so we might be able to find room for it. We will have some room but try to limit interaction between stations. You could swap your radio in place of one of our radios when you operate. Or you could set up at the other end of the campground and operate your own FD station. There is a TX Off Road Amateur Radio club that may do a FD setup, they are doing winter field day and it will depend on how that goes. A lot of the members are based out of DFW so I will keep an eye out and pass along the info so perhaps you don't have to drive all the way past OKC.