Okay, as this gets closer, I am trying to get more organized.
I\'d like to capture all the suggestions in a google Document so members can go back and reference the items later.
I have created a Google sheet with this as the column titles. I know I could just share it now and let people fill it in, but that would give away all the fun before the call AND be WAY easier for me.
Instead, Please send me a message with your items. (Up to 4) that you would like to have on the MUST have list. You will be initially limited to presenting only 2 unless time permits, then we\'ll go back and present items after everyone has had an opportunity to share. Here are the column headers:
[ATTACH type=\"full\"]187362[/ATTACH]
Yes Time zone is important. I have people signed up for this calling in from the east coast.
I\'ll try to work from the east to west incase they need to drop off \"Early\".
Yes Member screen name and OB # are also important.
If someone has a question after the call This would give them the needed information to contact you directly to talk more about the item in question.
I\'ll share the document during the call so we\'ll try to update it with more items as we go.
People who send in items before the call will get to share first.
I am relocking this message, Send you ideas directly to me
@Sandpoint Steve I\'ll add them to the Google Sheet.