Back in 2013 I got struck by van fever. I scoured ebay, the samba, and craigslist looking for vehicles in my price range that weren't total rust buckets. I found a 86 full camper in southern maine, loaded up my work truck with a trailer and headed out to pick it up. Once arriving I noticed that the photos were much older than they were advertised as. Rusted through seams and wheel wells, no exhaust were just a few of the stand out items I noticed. I declined and sadly headed home with an empty trailer. Later that night a new ad popped up on craigslist and I quickly emailed the seller. Making plans to drive the forty-five minutes to look at it the following day. The husband and wife greeted me gleefully in the driveway as I backed my trailer up to the van. Negotiations then took place, I countered his $2,500 offer with $1,200 seeing what wiggle room I had. His wife quickly elbowed him in the ribs and whispered something in his ear, followed by him reaching his hand out and saying "you've got a deal". Awesome I wasn't expecting that to be so easy. So I loaded it up and brought here home. Here she is in the driveway before winching her onto my trailer.
The day after
One of many modifications the previous owner made
All natural filter element
Scrubbing the grime away
A couple weeks later after I got a new tent and started figuring out where each bolt goes in the 5 gallon bucket of hardware the previous owner gave me.
The previous owner was an "electrical engineer" He made many modifications in the dash which needed correcting.
Got that sorted and then continued the dash mayhem
Those square plastic connectors are the bane of electrical woes. He used them in all sorts of weird locations. Years later I am still finding them, recently the horn decided to start making a squeek instead of a honk. I found two of these connectors under the van in the horn wiring.
After I fixed that stuff, it was time to get her registered and on the road.
The day after
One of many modifications the previous owner made
All natural filter element
Scrubbing the grime away
A couple weeks later after I got a new tent and started figuring out where each bolt goes in the 5 gallon bucket of hardware the previous owner gave me.
The previous owner was an "electrical engineer" He made many modifications in the dash which needed correcting.
Got that sorted and then continued the dash mayhem
Those square plastic connectors are the bane of electrical woes. He used them in all sorts of weird locations. Years later I am still finding them, recently the horn decided to start making a squeek instead of a honk. I found two of these connectors under the van in the horn wiring.
After I fixed that stuff, it was time to get her registered and on the road.
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