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  1. abrahamfh

    SF Bay Area In need of paint and body

    Hello everyone. I just moved to the East Bay from Southern California and am in dire need of a body and paint shop. I have a 2000 Land Rover Disco SIII in white gold with beige interior and looking to make a change. Thinking about going dark mint which I think would look pretty good with the...
  2. T

    New Colors - Need a Paint Job

    So right up front, does anyone know of a quality Auto Body Paint Shop in the Richmond/Petersburg, Virginia? Started finally building up the rig from just a 4x4 machine, and I figure before I get too deep into the mods, I should start at the base and get it repainted. Peeled off the factory side...
  3. Big Tex

    Where do I get the larger cans of Jeep paint? (Commando Green)

    I own a 2013 Commando Green Rubicon Unlimited, and I am not real happy with the dinky 5 oz cans of spray paint from Quadratec and 4x4parts. Anyone know where I can order the larger cans of Commando Green Spray Paint? I think they are 12 ounces. The 5 oz cans don't even cover a single jerry...