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  1. Mike Dubya

    US Northwest Palouse Falls and Juniper Sand Dunes

    Join us for a day trip to visit Palouse Falls and Juniper Sand Dunes near Tri-Cities Washington View Rally Point
  2. Hunterown

    Entertaining kids while camping

    I have 3 boys that I will be taking camping soon. I want to minimize the amount of screen time,while maximizing their time enjoying this trip. Any one have any sugestions On how you keep your little guys entertained?
  3. Mike Dubya

    US Northwest Metaline Falls: Rail Bikes, Caving, Camping, Swimming, and the Dam tour...

    We are planning on making an early summer kid friendly trip to beautiful Metaline Falls area in northeastern Washington State. We will be riding a peddle rail car, tour Gardner Cave, tour of Boundary Dam, and visiting the Cutter Theatre. Remaining time will be spent on beachfront and in the...
  4. Mike Dubya

    US Northwest Metaline Falls: Rail bike, Caving. Camping, Swimming, and the Dam tour...

    We are planning on making an early summer kid friendly trip to beautiful Metaline Falls area in northeastern Washington State. While the falls are beautiful to see, and the town is quaint while still providing services; we had a couple other activities in mind. We will be riding a peddle rail...
  5. Mike Dubya

    US Northwest Metaline Falls: Rail Bike, Caving, and the Dam tour!

    We are planning on making an early summer, kid friendly trip to beautiful Metaline Falls area in northeastern Washington State. While the falls are beautiful to see, and the town is quaint while still providing services; we had a couple other activities in mind. In the morning we will be riding...
  6. Mike Dubya

    US Northwest Metaline Falls: Rail Bike, Caving, and the Dam tour!

    We are planning on making an early summer, kid friendly trip to beautiful Metaline Falls area in northeastern Washington State. While the falls are beautiful to see, and the town is quaint while still providing services; we had a couple other activities in mind. In the morning we will be riding...
  7. Brittany Highland

    Families That Overland Full-time?

    I am really curious to find families who overland full-time. I know of Lifestyle Overland overlanding North America, and Epic Family Road Trip who has split time between Jeep/RV and been a lot of places. I've run into a handful of other families who have done year-long overlanding, or some...
  8. HappyOurOverlanding

    CANCELLED: Genoa Peak Trail Run and Basic First Aid Review - 12/02/2018

    Our final 2018 Day-run with Training. We will be lead by Billy Keen up the trail and then he will conduct a Basic First Aid hands on review. View Rally Point Details
  9. Niko Caignie

    Our first Overlanding Trip - The Report after 6000km

    So this was a big thing for us, our first overlanding trip, with our kids. We did a 6000 km trip trough Sweden & Norway I made a "little" report on it: We learned a lot during this first experience. But the most important thing was that this kind...
  10. Hourless Life

    Overlanding With Toddlers Discussion Thread

    I'd like to start a fresh thread about overlanding with toddlers. Obviously this won't apply to everyone but for those it applies to I think it would be helpful to have something fresh. First things first, if you are already doing this please comment so that I can give you a follow here. Also...
  11. Niko Caignie

    Finally - Badged: 6000 km through Scandinavia

    I got my member badge a few months ago. But I never found I deserved to put it up my rig. Two days ago, we just came back from a 6000 km journey trough Scandinavia. (And we barely scratched the surface.) But now I finally deserve to Badge my ride! If your interested in our Journey, you can read...
  12. Kyle & Kari Frink

    Too Young to Wheel?

    At what age do you think someone is too young to wheel off-road? At what age do you think you should start teaching your kid to wheel off-road? I first learned to off-road on an ATV and to drive using grandpas tractor on the farmland at the age of 7 or so. I'm still debating at what age I...
  13. Kyle & Kari Frink

    Kids or no Kids? (Camping that is)

    Do you take your kids camping and why? Do you leave them home and why? (Due to another members comment lol I want to clarify that you should never leave your children alone at home unless they are of an age to care for themselves. So by leaving them home, we meant as in with family/close...
  14. Kelso

    Forestry roads to Whiteswan provincial park *Kid friendly* - 07/20/2018

    Heading out exploring for a few days with my daughter (6) and our very friendly dog. Heading to Whiteswan Lake Provincial Park and Lucier hot springs via forestry roads from Highway 93, between TransCanada and Radium. Not anticipating any technical wheeling, just gravel forestry roads but always...
  15. Brandon Harvey

    Cascades to Oregon Coast: November 3 - 6

    My son and I our planning our first Overland trip on November 3 - 6, long lead time is that our weekends are full with soccer until then. We are planning on following Route 6 from the Oregon Back Country Discovery Routes with a few changes. Starting this thread to document the planning...
  16. geekyadam

    LF build advice - fitting gear + kids + dogs

    Hi all. Long time listener, first time caller. Need some advice on a space problem with my truck. My girlfriend and I love car camping and I love taking my new 2017 Tacoma to the camp site. I'm eager to start taking longer distance camping trips, hopefully find some 4x4 trails to officially...
  17. Trailspin

    CALLING ALL DADS: Help My Son Experience Overland.

    Dads (and Moms) on OB - I've posted a bit of a preview of our adventure before, but this week marks the official countdown to our family's very special overlanding adventure. Hunt has a rare disease called mitochondrial disease or 'mito' for short. Once diagnosed, we were told he wouldn't walk...