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  1. elmagico

    New Member from NM

    Greetings from ABQ. I hope to see you around This message was brought to you by the ole' 4499
  2. elmagico

    New member from ABQ

    Sounds great, Ryan. I'm on the NE. Sent from my Pixel XL using OB Talk mobile app
  3. elmagico

    New member from ABQ

    Thanks, WB I threw some CBI sliders on it last weekend. It's been a good year for upgrades. Sent from my Pixel XL using OB Talk mobile app
  4. elmagico

    New member from ABQ

    I was happy to slap the ole #4499 Overland bound emblem on the side of my truck recently. Sent from my Pixel XL using OB Talk mobile app
  5. elmagico

    Member Number? Upgrade Your Account! Read

    #4499 is on the truck Sent from my Pixel XL using OB Talk mobile app
  6. elmagico

    Member Number? Upgrade Your Account! Read

    elmagico #4499. Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk