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  1. ram6

    RTT mattress

    This is the exact setup I have and we have no problem closing it up.
  2. ram6

    Colorado Front Range MeetUp - 12/10/2017

    Any idea as to when the January meetup will be?
  3. ram6

    My wife tricked me into not buying a RTT this year...

    Lol my wife did the opposite and talked me into buying a RTT this year. Sent from my SM-G935V using OB Talk mobile app
  4. ram6

    Colorado Front Range MeetUp - 11/12/2017

    I am interested in joining you for the December 10th meetup as well.
  5. ram6

    Sleeping Pad Recommendations

    @ClearwaterScott Thanks for the suggestion, I will have to keep this in mind as you never know what kind of issues will show up without the proper testing! :tonguewink:
  6. ram6

    Sleeping Pad Recommendations

    Thanks for all the great insight, I think I am going to go with the Exped MegaMat Duo 10. Size was my big concern, but if it is durable and will keep my wife comfortable I think I can find a place for it. Besides the relatively large storage size (L 27.6 x D 11.8) and bag (it looks like they...
  7. ram6

    Sleeping Pad Recommendations

    Im looking for a good double sized sleeping pad for sleeping inside of my durango. I am currently leaning towards the exped MegaMat duo 10 but figured i would ask the community for any input for or against before I make the purchase. My current arangment is dual exped UL7s which are great for...
  8. ram6

    Tax return plans?

    No plans for the tax return ( or lack there of), but working on a custom rear bumper with tire carrier. Sent from my SM-G935V using OB Talk mobile app
  9. ram6

    Garmin glo opinions?

    I have used one for my android tablet. It works pretty good, and all you need is an app that allows your device to recognize external GPS (I use Bluetooth GPS by mob labs i think).
  10. ram6


    Hello everyone! Here is a pic from moab last June, first big trip after my build. 2) I am currently based out of Fort Collins, CO 3) And my rig is a 2001, Dodge, Durango 4) My Overlanding Experience Background is what I consider Noviceish, I have been camping, hunting, and wheeling since I...