Only fix I've had to do lately has been my leaky power steering. A few seals later and it is all good :)
No faults means time for mods and trips! Added a dual battery system with a 95AH AGM battery. Also got a cheap fridge. No compressor with temp controls or anything. Just a motor constantly...
No time for the car these days :( Redecorating our house takes most of the time. Managed to take the time to replace the MAP and MAF sensor and the front prop shaft. Drives like a dream atm :) Hope it lasts for a while. But it is a LR after all.
Also made my self a rear drawer, for when I have...
Replaced ball joints and passed MOT just in time for christmas. I bought a new winter sleeping bag. Supposed to be good for down to -20C. And keep me alive down to -35C. So with the car mot'ed and happy, I was ready for some winter camping! But, but...
Something is wrong this year. There should...
It's been raining for weeks. No really keen on wet-camping :P Hoping for colder weather and snow soon.
Had the disco in for it's MOT today. Failed on hand brake and 3 of the 4 ball joints in the front. So not bad :) Besides that it is still raining, and the car is to tall to fit in my garage...
Decided to upgrade my Jimny. Had to choose between the GF and my dog every time I wanted to go exploring..
Always wanted a disco2. Found one that has been taken good care of in the Norwegian Land Rover Club. Drove it 1300km from where I bought it and home, and by the time I was home, I...
Hello overlanders :)
I need some advice on what to get as my next car. Currently drive a Suzuki Jimny, which I will keep as a pure off road toy. I live in Norway, and not that many cars with lockable diffs and even low range is available to us. I need room for a kid in the future, and my dog...
The jimny has been parked for a little while. Mostly because I have been waiting for parts to fix it's problems.
When I went off roading it started to jump out of low range from time to time. Got under the car and thought the transfer box was hanging a bit low. But as I have never really looked...
What a day! I just love off roading. Loads of fun with different kinds of 4wd's. Most of them much bigger than mine. Found a little Lada that I could drive around with.
The jimny performs great, but really needs new suspension. The 17 year old springs have sagged quite a bit. 2" lift next...
Think the ones from biltema was 500kr for the pair. And as long as the relay for the lights you have are 30A, you could just reuse the wiring :P Quick install.
For tires I would really recommend bf goodrich AT ko2. I love mine! Can't say that enough. Tried them on some dirt roads, but not off...
The glass is not tinted, but it's black inside(besides the reflector). Comes like that from factory :)
The spotlights are ok. Cheapest ones from biltema. They are 37,5 in reference, so their distance is ok. Not as good as the ref 50 ones on my pick up. But since we have the silly light...
Just some pictures of how bad it was, both rust and dirty oil wise, before I did all the bearings and seals :)
On the back side of the knuckle. Seal not doing it's job. Grease and dirt everywhere!
Brake dust shield. It turned to dust when I touched it.
Inside the hub. It smelled like death...
Having issues as well. I am not on the map anymore, and it only works if I click on the link to the right on the site. If I go through any of the drop down menus, it tells me I have to be a member. I thought it might have to do with me changing my username, cause the map page shows my old...
Finally got some maintenance done! Replaced wheel bearings, kingpin bearings, new rotors and pads. Doing the diff oils tomorrow. Also bought some new bfgoodrich AT2's. Test fitted my newly painted rims that someone gave me for free :)
Going offroading again next weekend. Local authorities are...
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