Yeah we looked at a lithium version with the batteries underneath, but it wasn't really an option because it had already been sold and no more were on order in our area. I don't think it's a good solution in cold climates like Montana and Michigan, even with a battery heater (ugh). At least with...
Yeah we love ours too, after a lot of work to repair and customize it. I hope you have a blast with your van. Be sure to watch my cabinet-fail video and check yours carefully (and often) to make sure it's secure. I'm not sure how widespread that problem is but it's happened to others.
In our Jeep we carried a Porta-Potti 335 and were happy with it. It's quite small so it's easy to pack, but it sits low to the ground so that's a tradeoff (the 365 sits higher but takes up more space). No smell at all with it closed up, and easy and clean to dump it in an appropriate location...
I just made this video walkthrough of our new Thor Sanctuary (a.k.a. Tranquility) 19P camper van. We have camped in it overnight a couple of times to try it out, and next week we're off on a 9-day overland trip in Michigan's upper peninsula. We're going to test out the 4x4 on some forest roads...
That sounds like a great trip! I've had a similar experience with advice from a ranger - they are generally well-intentioned but not always well-informed.
My biggest regret about going through that spot, other than the fact that I was dumb enough to actually do it, is that we were too panicked to pull out the camera and take a picture while the jeep was still in the water. But as soon as we got out my wife did take a quick shot of me standing in...
As a matter of fact, the most readily accessible item of safety gear I now carry is a pair of hip boots. They can accomplish what the biggest winch in the world cannot.
During a recent solo overland trip on ORV routes and forest roads in Michigan's upper peninsula, my wife and I had an interesting experience and learned some valuable lessons I'd like to pass along.
Overland travel is great fun, especially after a heavy rain when there’s lots of water over the...
Good point. In typical overland conditions there may not be much observable difference between the flexible stubby and a longer antenna. I can say from my own personal experience that the flexible stubby works much better than a longer antenna that has just been bent sideways by a tree!
I use a Comet SBB-1 that's only 16 inches long and super flexible, and it has taken many hits from branches without any damage. It's totally adequate for short-to-medium-range communication, and I carry a longer dual-band that I can swap in when I need more range but then I need to be much more...
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