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  1. W

    Hello from North Alabama

    Thanks for sharing, never heard of the Georgia Traverse Trail...will be looking it up asap. Anymore info you can share about it would be great.
  2. W

    Hello from North Alabama

    Hello zbuck, we just got our truck tent a week ago. Now we have to start looking for those out of the way spots to camp and hike. Cant wait to try out our new tent. When we find a spot for a little adventure I'll make sure and share. Happy trails!
  3. W

    Hello from North Alabama

    Huntsville/Madison, you know up North :-)
  4. W

    Hello from North Alabama

    Total beginners, myself and hubby. Both retired. Should receive our truck tent in June, vehicle is a 2004 Ford F-250. Looking forward to spending time in the great outdoors!