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  1. H

    What part of northern Cali are you from?

    Newark here Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
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    Silicon Valley Bi-Weekly Meetup

    I'm (kinda sorta) in. I've got classes on Wednesdays but when that's done I'm in. If anyone meets on other days of the week I can do that too! Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
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    Hi all, I'm MJ. I stumbled onto overlanding (and probably the idea of 4x4) because I originally wanted to get a rooftop box for my Subaru. One thing led to another and I dug myself into a deep, deep hole. 1. Photos (still waiting..) 2. Bay Area, California 3. Currently driving a 2012 Subaru...
  4. H

    Member Number? Upgrade Your Account! Read

    #0987, checking in (thanks to @hellachris for the membership gift!)