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  1. Cris Forney

    Need advice - tire repair

    I've plugged hundreds of tires within the thread area. When you get into the shoulder area or side wall of the tire you're outside the plies of the tire and plugs typically will not hold in those areas. I only use vulcanizing or "gooey" type plugs rather than the type of plug that resembles a...
  2. Cris Forney

    Ohio Roll-Call!

    Sounds great. I was planning on going to the expo this year, so that would be awesome.
  3. Cris Forney

    Ohio Roll-Call!

    Pass through Chillicothe every 6-8 weeks on our way to Hocking Hills. Love hiking out there, will probably be there in a few weeks for the annual winter hike.
  4. Cris Forney

    Coffee Set Ups

    Snow Peak french press with Porlex mini grinder. My coffee kit stays in the back of the rig. Nothing better than sitting around a camp fire on a cool morning drinking a good cup of coffee.
  5. Cris Forney

    "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go" - T.S. Eliot

    "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go" - T.S. Eliot
  6. Cris Forney

    Ohio Roll-Call!

    Just joined OB and live in SW Ohio, near Cincinnati. Enjoying the forums and look forward to meeting up.
  7. Cris Forney

    AEV Snorkel Install - 2008 JKU

    Looks great! I've been looking into a snorkel but haven't made the leap yet. We're planning a trip West this spring and would definitely like to install before we hit the desert. AEV was on the top of my list along with their snorkel pre-filter.