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  1. YelloJakt

    Our new rig

    You have great taste in rigs! ;-)
  2. YelloJakt

    One Photo Weekend (April 21-23)

    Out exploring Alsea Falls (in Oregon) with my son and a buddy.,-123.4899807,268.04203052a,730.06559777d,35y,0h,45t,0r/data=CmAaXhJYCiUweDU0YzFhZDlkOWExZjU2OTE6MHhjNGJkNWY2MDFiZDRiNTZhGdKvCFlxKUZAIfSKAthb317AKh1BbHNlYSBGYWxscyBSZWNyZWF0aW9uYWwgU2l0ZRgCIAEoAg
  3. YelloJakt

    LED lighting Strips

    Thanks for sharing, @batmin14 & @Luis Merlo ! Your LED projects turned out great!
  4. YelloJakt

    LED lighting Strips

    I'm interested, too, @batmin14 to see what you've got! I've been poking around this morning to get some ideas.
  5. YelloJakt

    Wrangler Rear Cargo Storage Drawers & Pull out table

    I have the subwoofer in the floor there. Does anyone have any experience with storage like this negatively affecting sound?
  6. YelloJakt

    Newbie wants to try OBDR Route #3 - Tips?

    I'd like to hear any thoughts you have while we both wait for someone with experience! rush, we have months before things thaw out... lol
  7. YelloJakt

    Newbie wants to try OBDR Route #3 - Tips?

    Just wanted to say thanks for posting... I hadn't previously heard of these routes, so I have a new thread to start researching!