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  1. EisenWill

    Overland Expo East 2022

    What I’m saying is that if you arrived after 5pm, I believe it was, that they would not let you into the Expo grounds until Friday morning. I wasn’t able to leave until late afternoon on Thursday and was not allowed in until Friday morning. They were allowing people to queue up at the check in...
  2. EisenWill

    Overland Expo East 2022

    I would check with the organizers, but when I went on Thursday last year they wouldn’t let you in to the camp area after 5pm, but would let you camp on the hill outside the expo area. I ended up going down the road to get a hotel room as my set up is a ground tent and I didn’t feel like sleeping...
  3. EisenWill


    Thanks! Did the Tread Lightly online course after signing up here. Looking forward to participating in the forums and meeting other members in person. Will
  4. EisenWill

    Welcome, Overland Bound Region - East

    Nice! I was just in Covington for the MSO AdvXFest. Beautiful country down your way!
  5. EisenWill

    HAM Radio Call Sign Check-In Thread

    N4WIL here. Usually monitoring FM & YSF on Big Mtn 146.625 131.8. Also on FT8, JS8Call, Winlink and phone on 20 & 40 meters. Some digital work on 80 but my current antenna won't tune on the phone portion.
  6. EisenWill

    Welcome, Overland Bound Region - East

    New member from the Shenandoah Valley in Va checking in. Howdy y'all!
  7. EisenWill


    Hello Overland Bound community! I'm located in the Shenandoah Valley of Va. I grew up here and moved back a few years ago after twenty or so years in SW Colorado. Driving a pretty much stock '14 Tacoma DC TRD Offroad. Planning some minor upgrades to suspension and for reliability and to...