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  1. KhaleesiKae9

    Looking for spot(s)

    Thanks for the info!! We were thinking April but not sure with the weather. I’ll definitely look into those places. I personally prefer BLM over actual campsites. Trying to also expose my son to more than just friends, YouTube, and Xbox.
  2. KhaleesiKae9

    Looking for spot(s)

    Somewhere between but it can be closer to Colorado. It doesn’t have to be evenly distanced. Trying to make it easier for my dad to meet us.
  3. KhaleesiKae9

    Looking for spot(s)

    Looking for places to camp at
  4. KhaleesiKae9

    Looking for spot(s)

    Hey guys! I am trying to plan a 7 day trip for my dad, my son, and I but I need suggestions. My dad is in Colorado breast Denver and I’m in the Bay Area. Where are some good spots to meet? A little closer to Colorado is fine. Thanks in advance!!! :)