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  1. Tega1966

    New member, Lawrence, KS.

    Thanks for the info. Will download asap. Googled one and about 19 min from one, Prairie Creek campsite, in Bentonville AR.
  2. Tega1966

    New member, Lawrence, KS.

    Here are the pics. Maybe meet up some time. A couple more hrs and hitting the road, feels like the longest two hrs but just going to take my time and be on my schedule and not everyone's time frame. Now have to find someplace to stop once I get to ONF. Thinking about a campsite, that way, I...
  3. Tega1966

    Ouachita National Forest, Ozark National Forest & Mark Twain National Forest Highlights Request

    Hello. Would you mind sharing Ozark folder with me. Heading out there tomorrow. Tka
  4. Tega1966

    New member, Lawrence, KS.

    Hello All. Will be heading out tomorrow to Ozark National Park. This will be my first solo trip and pulling my pop up. Would appreciate an off road route that easy, and get me to some stream or a running river. Route must be easy in My Old Jeep, but off road where I can set up. Route I'm...
  5. Tega1966

    New member, Lawrence, KS.

    A new member as of today. Stocked 1996 Cherokee XJ, 272k miles. Have never been out Overlanding, all new to me. Haven't done anything to Jeep, but starting to look over so it holds up to some adventure. Was going this weekend for 4 days to Mark Twain National Forest, but rain starting Friday...
  6. Tega1966

    Hello. YouTuber for past several years, watched and got hooked on Overlanding. Bought the cart...

    Hello. YouTuber for past several years, watched and got hooked on Overlanding. Bought the cart (trailer) before the horse (Jeep) now ready for some Adventure. So looking to travel, meet like minded people and have some fun. Looking to tweek Jeep so would appreciate and help from experienced do...